We observe the highest levels of integrity and practice good corporate governance.
To ensure that the factories we handle achieve the best possible prices in the market, we have put some measures in place to enable us to closely monitor the quality of teas made by the factories. This also helps us to develop appropriate marketing strategies:
We insist that Muster production samples are regularly sent to our offices. We then taste and advise the factory promptly. By so doing the Factory management is kept abreast of the market expectations, quality trends in relation to other players, and possible remedial action as well as any other relevant information.
Pre-auction samples are tasted and results reported early to factory management. Other relevant reports are also forwarded promptly to factory management.
We make regular visits (not less than twice yearly) to factories handled by Prudential Tea Brokers. Such visits serve the purpose of updating factory management of the latest market trends and ensuring maintenance of good working relations.
We prepare and forward to factories analytical market reports with a comparison with reports from other Tea producing centres. This enables the producer to have a general picture of the market trends and needs.
We liase by telephone or e-mail urgent matters of quality and marketing which need immediate attention.